Tuesday, December 31, 2013


First and foremost we at NUTALK serves you a plate of nothing but greetings  with the saying Happy New Year and hope you do try your absolute best to stay healthy all through the year.
The secret to achieving the latter is taking the somewhat hard but rewarding decision to be a passenger in the healthy eating people train.

Now let’s start talking about these five so-called important resolutions you should be making.

Eat more natural than processed foods
Instead of Tin tomatoes and Sardines go-in for fresh tomatoes and un-processed fish respectively. This resolution applies to all other foods as well.
The main reason; most processed foods have loosed a great chunk of their nutrients as a result of heat treatment etc. and with the added disadvantage of you haven to cook them again, you ultimately end up with lesser nutrients which will not help ‘your-seeking mission’.
Remember: The result of eating ‘Fresh’ foods = looking ‘Fresh’.

A fruit a day
By making this resolution you stand to provide your body with the materials it needs to build that healthy and fresh looking body which is outwardly projected by the look of your skin. All Fruits are natural sources of antioxidants, which a well-known for the anti-ageing ability. A fruit a day will not just contribute to your ‘young-seeking mission’ but ultimately promote your general well-being. It is advised to eat more fruits daily but it always good to start from somewhere.

Replace alcohol with water
This might seem had for you to do, that’s if you are a chronic-alcoholic. This will help you to greatest of distance a helper can go. It will allow your body concentrate on more beneficial activities either than breakdown useless ‘empty-calories’ found in alcohol. If you can’t go for a one-time switch it’s advisable you start with an every-other-day.
Remember: The less alcohol in your system, the younger you will be.

Avoid drinking sodas
Sodas/soft drinks like Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and Pepsi are what we can kindly refer to as “age-speeders”. They bring into your world a whole lot of unhealthy effects which all sum-up into a class called degenerative disease. All we can say about this is, the world will be way healthy without sodas. Thus, it is a necessary resolution you should be making. Water or juice-up although this year.

Avoid spreading Margarines on my bread everyday
You might consider this way-off the point of making diet New Year resolutions but, it is a simple important issue you should not brush-aside. Hydrogenation is the unhealthy process by which margarines are produced. This process converts previously healthy fats into unhealthy ones whose consumption can promote the development of cardiovascular diseases which will ‘chop’ into your “young’.
These diseases are associated with the elderly, so if you suffer from one ??????.

We say a HAPPY NEW YEAR and stay healthy by eating healthy.
Call Our Nutritionist - +233277279565
