Thursday, January 17, 2013


Coca-Cola (coke/cola), Fanta, Sprite, and Pepsi are examples of a class of drinks called sodas/soft drinks.

People drink sodas for different reasons including;
It’s cheap, sweet taste, convenient packaging, availability and others to quench their thirst.

All the above reasons should not make you go in for a soda as its consumption causes a lot of harm to your body.

The following are factual reasons why you should not drink or buy a soda for anyone.


When you drink a soda, you ultimately assimilate zero. This is because there are no beneficial nutritional components in soda. According to one can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of refined sugar, typically in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 150 calories, filtered water, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, and is loaded with artificial food colors and sulphites. Diet sodas are the worst as they are filled with harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose.

In a nutshell, there is no healthy nutritional benefit from drinking soda.

Defective digestive system
First and foremost, Soda of any type is the most acidic beverage on the market today however; you don’t realize it because of the large sugar content (aspartame/sweet poison: An artificial non-caloric sweetener used as a sugar substitute in most beverages ).

With an approximate pH of 2.5,  it  is propounded that takes 32 glasses of alkaline water at an alkaline pH of 9 to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. cola or soda”.

The stomach is the only organ in digestive system that has the ability to resist pH of up to 2. When you drink a soda, its passage through the digestive system causes a lot of cell-damage to organs that are acid-sensitive.  The  linings of the mouth, pharynx and oesaphagus are extremely sensitive to acid and contineous exposure will lead to cellular deterioration..
Sodas contain phosphoric acid and when ingested destabilizes/affects the function of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid. This causes indigestion, gassiness and bloating due to the inability of the stomach to digest food effectively.

Obesity/weight gain
Several scientific studies have shown the drinking of soda to be directly related to weight gain. This is due to the amount of calories they contain as well as their acidity. Drinking fluids high in calories heightens the risk of an increase in weight gain. The acidity of sodas alters the body’s blood chemistry which leads to a change in metabolism (slows down its rate) and causes the body to protect itself by forming fats to store the acids.

A sharp increase in the blood sugar level also causes the liver to respond to the resulting rapid rise in insulin levels by turning massive amounts of sugar into fats.
Unlike other sugars, the liver processes fructose mostly into fat and this greatly increases the risk of obesity. Therefore, the fact that sodas/soft drinks contain high amounts of fructose means increased store of fat by the liver.
According to “the relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times”.

It’s scientifically proven that anything that causes obesity/an increase in weight gain and ultimately increases the risk of developing diabetes.

A study report in the journal Diabetologia, says drinking just one can of soda (non-diet) per day can raise our risk of developing type-2 diabetes by 22%. Researchers from the Imperial College of London believe that, rather than just a consequential result of increase in body weight, the negative effect of sugary soft drinks on the risk of developing diabetes may be a direct.

As said before, sodas contain in large amounts refined sugars in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). According to, a 20-ounce glass serving of coke contains about 16 teaspoons of HFCS and this is nearly three times the maximum daily sugar intake recommended by the American Heart Association.
So when you drink soda, your blood sugar rapidly increases which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin to process it. Each time you drink a soda, the stress that the massive need for the chronic production of insulin puts on the pancreas scientist believe can cause it to malfunction and ultimately causing it (pancreas) to produce ineffective insulin. This means you will eventually have reduced ability to process sugar optimally and predisposes you to developing diabetes.

Stop is you thinking coffee?

Osteoporosis and weakened bones
According to, “frequent consumption of soft drinks may also increase the risk of osteoporosis, especially in people who drink soft drinks instead of calcium-rich milk”. Also it’s the conviction of most experts that, the fact that all sodas are highly acidic causes the body to drain its store of alkaline buffers to raise the body’s alkalinity levels. Calcium from the bones is used by the body to neutralize the high acidity and ultimately maintain optimal blood pH levels.  Chronic acidic blood levels cause death.
There are enough acids in one soda to kill you outright if you didn't possess a mechanism to neutralize them by taking minerals from your bones and tissues.”
This will happen every time your drink coke, sprite, Fanta, Pepsi or any other kind of soda and will consequently lead to weakened bones/osteoporosis as a result of the continues need for the mineral, calcium .

Dental caries and erosion
The high acidic nature of sodas causes the eating up and dissolving of the tooth enamel.
Dental experts recommend the drinking of less soda to reduce tooth decay and dental erosion more especially between meals. This is due to the fact that, the high acidity of soda causes the dissolving of the minerals making -up the enamel which consequently weakens, exposes and increase the chances of developing tooth decay. Sodas accidity makes it greatly worst for the teeth than solid sugar found in candy.
Drinking of soda doubles or triples the incidence of tooth decay, says researchers.

Damaged kidney
The formation of kidney stones is increased with increased soda consumption as demonstrated by researchers.
The calcium from the bones which the body uses to buffer the effect of the increased acidity gradually forms kidney stones in the process of its elimination.
The journal Epidemiology published a study that had the conclusion that, drinking one or two artificially or regularly sweetened coke was linked to a two-fold risk of chronic kidney disease.

Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factor
It is a combination of symptoms such as high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance. Soft drink consumption is a significant risk factor for developing of metabolic syndrome.


Dehydration; when you drink a soda/soft drink with the intention of quenching your thirst, you rather become thirstier. This because the caffeine and sugar causes an increase in the volume of water excreted through urination (dehydrating diuretics). The sharp increase in blood sugar levels triggers the kidneys to excrete more water in trying to check the high sugar concentration. The caffeine as a diuretic causes an immediate increase in urine volume.

Cirrhosis of the liver; just as is the case with chronic alcoholics, the continuous drinking of sodas/soft drinks significantly increases the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver.

Increased blood pressure; it is a reasoned believe of experts that, continuous consumption of fructose leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Toxicity; the addition of poisonous artificial sweeteners like aspartame and/or sucralose to diet sodas, should deter you from drinking them.
Aspartame is used because it’s 200 times sweeter than table sugar and is made of the chemicals; methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. These three chemicals are produced when you drink an aspartame-sweetened soda (upon its breakdown). Next is the converting of these three chemicals into formaldehyde and formic acid. These (formaldehyde and formic acid) are carcinogenic and thus greatly increases your risk of developing cancer.  It is known that aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances added to foods and there are 92 different known health side effects associated  with its consumption.

1. Stress complete/strict abstinence from drinking of sodas for pregnant/lactating mothers, diabetics, hypertensive patients and other patients.
2. Advise parents to reduce the amount of sodas they give to their children as it brings no health benefits to them but accompanying health complications.
3. Stress on the sugar content, toxicity and acidity of sodas leading to problems of obesity, hypertension, kidney damage, degenerative disease etc.
4. Make mention of WATER been the most appropriate drink to quench thirst.
5. Point out that the effects of chronic consumption of sodas will mostly manifest as they grow older notwithstanding some immediate effects.

There are lots of alternatives to drinking soda/soft drinks. writes that “Most degenerative diseases we call "Old-Age Diseases" like memory loss, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and many more are actually life style conditions caused by long-term acidosis, caused by essential nutrient deficiencies, what we eat, don't eat, or don't properly absorb or eliminate”. This is an excellent conclusion to this publication and what you should know is;




This article was reviewed on Tuesday, 7th July, 2016 By Nu. Sallah Stanley Kwesi (Nutritionist at Nutritional Talk)