Monday, April 15, 2013


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iodine deficiency is one of the leading causes of mental retardation worldwide.

This therefore goes a long way to underscore the fact that, having iodine in your diet every day is an absolute necessity.

Iodine virtually affects every bodily function and more importantly is responsible for regulating and influencing activities of the thyroid glands. It’s estimated that about 60-80 percent (%) of iodine found in a human being are stored/located in the thyroid glands located just below your voice box (in the front of your neck). An indicator of its importance to thyroid functions. The rest can be found in lactating mammary glands, the stomach lining, salivary glands, and in the blood.

Among the lot the most important benefit of iodine is;
Thyroid-Function:  iodine located in the thyroid glands causes and regulates the release of two important hormones that are necessary for optimum bodily function. Thyroxin and triodothyronine hormones are influences the following;
Metabolic rate: They directly influence the body’s basic metabolic rate (BMR) by regulating the rate at which food ingested is metabolized and used in the body. It optimally influences the later by affecting key physiological like heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. It also helps in protein synthesis.

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Reproductive development: They influence the proper growth and maturity of the reproductive organs. It therefore is necessary for growing children to have a healthy development in puberty.
Control Energy levels/body weight: iodine’s interaction with the thyroid glands causes the release of thyroxin and triodothyronine which in-turn leads to a control on weight gain. This is done by they causing the optimum utilization of absorbed calories and thus, preventing the storage of excess calories as fats.
NOTE: This does not mean it has absolute like 100% control over body weight. If you do over-eat or continuously have high caloric diets, you sure to gain weight even though they will do their bit.

Other benefits of iodine
Anti-Carcinogenic Properties: Evidence exist that when iodine is applied on cancer cells, they shrink in size. Iodine in recommended doses helps in the prevention of cancer and it’s a good recommend for cancer patients (avoid over-dosing).
In pregnancy and babies: Iodine ensures the optimal/proper development in babies by influencing movement and growth. It also plays a part in speech and hearing development. It prevents still births and neurocognitive conditions like cretinism in babies if pregnant women take in adequate amounts of it.
IQ/Mental development: Iodine promotes the proper mental development in children. It ensures sharpness and general mental advancement.
Utilization of nutrients: Despite being an essential nutrient itself, iodine aids in optimum utilization of mineral nutrients like calcium and silicon. It causes the thyroids to produce the hormone calcitonin, which regulates calcium levels in the body and thereby preventing hypocalcaemia or hypocalcaemia (this can lead to osteoporosis, heart and kidney problems).
Skin, hair, nails and teeth: By causing the proper utilization of calcium, iodine helps in the development (formation) and maintenance of healthier teeth. Iodine is helps in hair growth and its deficiency causes hair loss. It also aids in maintaining a healthier shiny skin and nails.
Destroys/removes toxins: Iodine controls the proliferation/growth of harmful stomach-bacteria as well as plays the function of destroys other biological toxins in the body. It also aids in the flushing-out of toxic chemicals like lead and mercury.
Iodine apoptosis: In the formation of new organs or the removal of malignant/cancerous or diseased cells, old cells need to be disposed-off and this is done through a process referred to as apoptosis or programmed cell death. Iodine ensures this process takes place.
Fibrocystic disease: “Iodine can significantly reduce conditions like fibrosis, turgidity and breast tenderness. Iodine acts as a relief for fibrocystic diseases and is widely used even in therapies” as written by

The daily intake of iodine in recommended amounts is depended on the age/stage of life of the individual. MEASURMENT TIP// A mere quarter of a teaspoon of iodized salt contains 95 micrograms of iodine. So for a healthy mind and body, be sure to consume the required daily dose of iodine.

Infants: 40 micrograms to 50 micrograms per day if iodine.
Younger children (1 to 8 years): 90 micrograms daily.
Older children (9 to 13 years, boys and girls): 120 micrograms per day.
Adolescents (14 to 18 years): 150 micrograms per day.
Men: 150 micrograms per day
Women: 150 micrograms per day
Pregnant women: need more iodine intake than the normal adult. A whooping 220 micrograms of iodine daily is needed daily.
 Breastfeeding women: should have 270 micrograms daily.

SPECIAL RECOMMENDATION// Use iodated salt in your diets. It’s relatively cheap and widely available.
Iodized salt, yoghurt, seafood (make sure to eat fish more often), garlic and some vegetables (if they are grown in iodine reach soil), dairy products (especially grass-fed cow milk), strawberries and eggs.