Monday, May 27, 2013


We add salt to most foods prepared a home to enhance the taste and edibility. Another added benefit is iodine if the salt is iodized salt.
Table Salt is Sodium Chloride (NaCl) which is makes available to the body the electrolyte, Sodium (Na) when ingested.

The electrolyte sodium (Na) has numerous functions including: 
1.  Helps in the maintenance of body fluid balance (a balance between the extracellular and intracellular fluids).
2.  Plays an important part in muscle contraction.
3.  Aids in the digestive absorption of nutrients like amino acids and glucose.
4.  Helps in the neuron-transmission of impulses.

Nevertherless, tha amount of salt one consumes can become an issue with over-ingesting of salt leading to numerous unhealthy bodily effects.
An individual is allowed to ingest up to 1500 milligrams of sodium (Na) daily. This amount can be gotten from consuming 3 grams of salt daily (Approximately two tablespoonful).
Now let’s go straight into identifying these unhealthy/harmful effects of the ingestion/consuming of too much salt.

As indicated above, Sodium in salt plays a very significant part in maintaining fluid balance in the body of every person. Sodium is present in the extracellular fluid (fluids outside/surrounding the cells of the body) and together with potassium (predominantly present in intracellular fluids/cells) guards against water/fluid retention. The kidney in its function of excretion makes sure concentration of any electrolyte in extracellular fluid is at safe levels. Thus, consuming too much salt leads to an unhealthy increase in the concentration of Sodium (Na) in the extracellular fluids. The kidney in its quest to reduce the Sodium (Na) concentration reduces the amount of water it usually excretes in as part of urine. This leads to increase in blood volume and symptoms include edema/swelling on various parts of your body.
For the kidneys to play-out the function of retaining water in its effort to balance the Sodium (Na) concentration in the extracellular fluid, there must enough water available. In the absence of enough water as a result of not been well hydrated and/or the presence of a disorder that causes excretion of so much water in urine, the body in its balancing/dilution quest may rely on intracellular fluids by pulling water/fluids from cells. This has serious health implications as the optimum function of such cells will be impaired. The activity can cause you to experience extreme thirst, stomach cramps/pains, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Hypertension: As indicated above, the cut-back in the amount of water excreted by the kidney leads to an accompanying dilution of the blood and a resultant increase in blood volume. Just as in the event of a flood in your community, an increase in the blood volume causes an increase in the blood pressure. Continuous over-consumption of too much salt, leads to a repeated increase in blood pressure and subsequent probable damages to blood vessel walls leading to high blood pressure or hypertension.

Stomach Ulcer: Repeated episodes of excessive salt consumption causes damage to the protective lining of the stomach (mucus) and this eventually increases the stomach’s susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori (the bacterium scientifically proven to cause inflammation  and sours of the stomach walls).

Osteoporosis: Chronic over ingestion salt leads to demineralization of the bone as the body tries to replace the large amount of excreted calcium. This will ultimately lead to weakened bones.

Kidney Stones: Over excretion of calcium as result of excessive salt consumption may lead to the formation kidney stones.

Kidney failure: As explained to detail above, over ingestion of salt tempers with the optimal functioning of the kidney as whole and thus chronic propagation of this while lead to damage to one's kidneys.

Let the amount of salt you add to your meals be reasonably healthy and you may not experience any of the above effects but, on the long term as you become older your health will be compromised. 

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This article was reviewed on Tuesday, 23rd July, 2016 By Nu. Sallah Stanley Kwesi (Nutritionist at Nutritional Talk)